Are You Required to Have Motorcycle Insurance in Louisiana?

It’s pretty much common knowledge by now that auto insurance is required for the cars you drive, but what about your motorcycle? Before you get caught unprepared out on the road, it’s important to understand what Louisiana’s insurance laws are and what you need to do to comply. The experts at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. are here to help, serving clients in the Baton Rouge, LA area and beyond. Here’s what you need to know:

The state of Louisiana is an ‘At Fault’ State

What does this mean, exactly? Well, in the event of an accident, the person who is deemed to be responsible for the accident (usually as the result of a police report and/or investigation) may be liable for paying for all incurred damage and trauma. This includes associated medial bills. 

Now, if you do not have motorcycle insurance, you are not permitted to file a claim. Period. This means that even if the other person involved is clearly at fault, you won’t be able to do much– if anything– about it if you do not have coverage. This is one reason why all motorcyclists are required to carry proof of insurance on them at all times while out on the road. 

If You Live in Louisiana, You Must Meet Coverage Minimums

For motorcyclists in Baton Rouge, LA (and anywhere in the state, for that matter), the minimum coverage amounts are $15,000 for bodily injury to one person or death (one person)
$30,000 for bodily injury or death to two or more persons involved, and $25,000 in coverage for damage or destruction of property during a single accident. 

Taking the Next Step

When you’re ready to learn more about your coverage options and get the motorcycle insurance coverage you need, contact the experts at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. We’re happy to answer any questions you have and get you started on the path to a great policy for you and your motorcycle. 


Some things that aren’t covered by your homeowners policy

Louisiana is a state where natural disasters are not uncommon. Residents of Baton Rouge, LA know that they need to take a good look at the coverage that is included with their homeowner’s policy and even more importantly, what isn’t covered. Insurance & Financial Services Inc. can help guide them and offer suggestions.


Flood is something that is of particular interest to people in low lying areas. Loss due to surface water, flooding from rivers, streams or the ocean and water that backs up through sewers or drains are not covered by homeowners insurance. Broken pipes may be covered as long as it is not determined that the cause was the result of negligence. National Flood insurance is available and should be purchased in addition to homeowners insurance to protect your home and property from damage.  


Earth movement is not covered by most homeowners insurance. What you may not realize is that a sinkhole is considered earth movement and is likely not covered under whatever homeowners policy you have. Sinkhole insurance is available if you want to protect your home.

Home sharing

With the rise of home sharing businesses like AirBNB it is important that any homeowner considering this option to check with their insurance company to find out if their property will be covered under their current policy. Damage and liability can both be issues.

Nuclear disaster and war

While both of these are likely to be rare occurrences, it is important to know that you will not have coverage from your homeowner’s policy.

If you live in the Baton Rouge, LA area you can confidently call on Insurance & Financial Services Inc. to help you to find the homeowner’s insurance policy that provides you with all the coverage that you need. They will also answer your questions about some things that are not covered.

Health Insurance Choices for Cancer Care

At Insurance & Financial Services Inc., we have helped Baton Rouge, LA residents, and those in the surrounding area, get insurance coverage to help with cancer. So if you or someone you love has a type of this disease, you need to take steps to manage it right away.

General Health Insurance Will Pay for Cancer Care

While it is true that buying insurance while suffering from cancer is a difficult task, it is far from possible. Many individuals suffering from cancer find great insurance policies at prices that they can afford. However, you can still expect to have higher rates for your coverage.

Just as importantly, you may be denied for certain types of cancers. For example, very dangerous cancer, such as leukemia, often causes an insurance provider to balk at providing coverage. However, there are very few types of cancer that will trigger a complete rejection.

Critical-Illness Policies Help Pay for Treatment

Individuals who suffer from critical illnesses can purchase policies that cover these problems. Though this type of policy is often a little more expensive, they can help with cancer and other dangers. However, you need to make sure that you buy this type of policy before you get cancer.

Unfortunately, you typically cannot buy this type of coverage after you are diagnosed with cancer. This can cause some limitations in your coverage that may complicate your treatment. However, there are still insurance options to consider if you need care.

You Can Get Insurance

So if you are suffering from cancer and you need help finding a policy that suits your needs, please contact us at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. today. Our experts work with Baton Rouge, LA residents every day and can help you get the coverage you need to beat cancer for good.

Does Home Insurance Cover Wind Damage?

When a resident of the Baton Rouge, LA region is in search of the best home insurance coverage, one of the primary areas of discussion is wind damage. Can a policy that is purchased from the experienced agents at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. provide the necessary coverage in this regard?

While the majority of home insurance policies do offer some form of coverage for wind damages, there are certain restrictions that are going to apply. All of these policies are not created equally. Dwelling coverage and personal property coverage must be considered at this time.

These are the two main types of protection that will keep a Baton Rouge home safe from potential wind damages. Dwelling coverage is purchased by those who are looking to protect the exterior of the home. Personal property damage insurance is geared towards the replacement of the home’s contents if they are damaged by a wind storm.

Tornadoes and hurricanes are not always covered, though. Home insurance policy holders that wish to cover the cost of repairs when hurricanes and tornadoes take place will need to read over their policy closely. For example, a home insurance policy that covers wind damages may not cover any damages that are caused by exposure to floods. 

Even though wind storms and floods tend to go in hand in hand, this does not mean that the policy offers unilateral coverage. Policies that cover flood damages as well must be purchased separately in most instances. 

Coverage limits are another common area of consideration. How much coverage has been put into place and will it provide the required assistance for the damages? This is another question that has to be answered. 

Baton Rouge, LA residents who are looking to learn more about the ins and outs of their home insurance policy should take the time to contact Insurance & Financial Services Inc, so that consultation can be scheduled. 

What Type of Commercial Insurance is Right For You?

The type of commercial insurance you need will depend on the size of your business and your industry. You work hard to grow and maintain your business, and you don’t want to experience losses due to an accident or unforeseen circumstances. Insurance & Financial Services Inc. can protect your business from these events in Baton Rouge, LA.

Required Commercial Insurance in LA

If you have employees, you are required to have workers compensation insurance. This covers the employee’s medical expenses and lost wages in the event they are hurt on the job and protects the owner from liability.

If vehicles are driven for business purposes, you are required to have commercial vehicle insurance. This includes both company-owned vehicles and private vehicles that are driven while doing work for the business. A pizza delivery driver and an employee who is sent to the store to pick up business supplies are a few examples.

Recommended Commercial Insurance

In addition to state-mandated coverage, you may need other types of insurance to protect your business.

Commercial Property Insurance is available for those that own and lease the property. It covers any damage done to the property or the contents, similar to a homeowners policy.

General Liability Insurance protects you from liability in the event that a non-employee is injured on your property. Businesses that serve the public like stores and restaurants can benefit from this type of insurance.

Product liability insurance will protect your business from injuries or damages sustained from products that you manufacture or sell. Any business that manufactures or sells physical products should consider this insurance.

These are a few types of commercial insurance that you may need in Baton Rouge, LA to protect your business. To get a tailor-made insurance package that meets all of your needs, contact Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

Should You Add an Umbrella Policy to Your Home Insurance Policy?

Home Insurance is something most of us know we need, but many do not understand exactly what it covers and for how much. This is why sometimes some insured people are left with less coverage than they expected after something happens. At Insurance & Financial Services Inc. we want to make sure that you have exactly the coverage you expect when it comes to protecting your home and assets.  We serve Baton Rouge, LA and the surrounding areas. 

Do You Need an Umbrella Policy With Your Home Insurance? 

The key thing you should look for in your current policy to tell you if you may need an umbrella policy is your policy limits. If the amount of your policy limits is less than you may lose in the event of a lawsuit, or in medical bills, or in the loss of property itself then you likely want to add umbrella coverage to increase those limits. 

In addition to the need for an increase, if you need more monetary coverage, you may need to add the umbrella if you have an increase of risk. An increase of risk would be if you worked from home and had clients on the insured property, if you are high-profile in the public eye, if you enjoy recreational vehicles, or if you have a pool or trampoline. Discuss your need for additional coverage with one of our insurance agents soon.  Also note that Flood Insurance is not covered under regular home insurance, nor an umbrella, it is a separate policy altogether. 

Contact us at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. to find out how easy it is to add umbrella insurance to your current policy and if you have the need in your life. We serve clients in and around Baton Rouge, LA. 

Is renters insurance mandatory?

Insurance is a critical investment for any homeowner. However, tenants are not always keen on purchasing the right renter’s insurance coverage to safeguard their personal belongings from perils like fire, theft, water damage, etc. Renters insurance is not mandatory in LA, but many home associations have passed laws that govern the insurance requirements for any tenants living in their properties. In such a case, renters insurance becomes mandatory in that particular home association. If you need renters insurance in Baton Rouge, LA, Insurance & Financial Services Inc. can help you get a flexible and affordable coverage.

Why is Renters Insurance Important?

Many home associations make renters insurance mandatory due to various benefits. First, renters insurance covers losses resulting from accidents or natural disasters. In the event of a covered loss, both the renter and the tenant will quickly recover from the financial losses and restore the property to its habitable state. If such losses were to be left in the hands of tenants to fund out of pocket, the losses that could build up from endless lawsuits and delayed remittances could be unbearable. Additionally, renters insurance caters for additional living expenses in case the property is rendered inhabitable after a covered disaster.

Coverage Options

Just like homeowners insurance, renters insurance is packaged in different policy options. Here they are:

Liability coverage

This policy will protect you in case someone visiting your rented property incurs injuries that are attributed to your negligence or fault. It could be as simple as a slip and fall incident that turns tragic.

Personal Properties Coverage

Natural disasters like fire or wind can easily gulp your valuables within minutes. This coverage replaces your lost properties to the limit of your coverage amount. Depending on what you prefer, you can choose a replacement cost or an actual cash value of your insured properties.

If you live in a rented home in Baton Rouge, LA, consider buying enough renters’ insurance coverage from Insurance & Financial Services Inc. Contact us today and speak to our professional agents who will guide you in choosing the right renter’s insurance policy.





Reasons Having Flood Insurance Makes Sense

Everyone has seen the news stories about floods taking place in various areas of the country, including Louisiana. No one wants to be faced with something like that. But preparedness brings peace of mind, and having flood insurance is especially important. Here are key reasons for having flood insurance, courtesy of Insurance & Financial Services Inc. serving the Baton Rouge, LA area.

Extra Coverage in Addition to Home Insurance

Many people might assume that a standard home insurance policy covers floods. That is not necessarily accurate, and getting a flood insurance policy is an added wise measure that specifically covers flooding conditions.

Not Just for Certain Storms

People typically think of floods that are of epic magnitudes, such as those that come along with hurricanes, when they think of floods. But flood conditions can also be present simply during severe thunderstorms and heavy rains. Those types of conditions can occur anywhere, although the Louisiana area can get a hurricane and tropical storm conditions too.

Being Prepared for Various Types of Weather

You never know when a flood may happen. Those weather conditions typically occur suddenly and without warning. By then, it is too late to take a look at what insurance coverage you have. So it is much better to be prepared by getting the proper flood insurance in place well in advance of storms.

As you can see, flood insurance is a wise investment and a way to have added peace of mind no matter what happens with the weather. Do you have more questions about flood insurance? Feel free to contact us at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. serving the Baton Rouge, LA area.

Make Sure You Get Health Insurance For Your Elderly Parents

Getting insurance for your Baton Rouge, LA senior is a critical way of ensuring that they are healthy and safe. Contact us at Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. to learn more about your options here. Most of the time, seniors over the age of 65 automatically qualify for Medicare but you can also get them supplemental plans or private coverage that expands their care. 

What Types of Medicare is Available

There are several types of Medicare plans available for your loved ones. These include:

  • Part A – Covers hospitalization and home health care.
  • Part B – Manages medical services, like doctor visits and x-rays.
  • Part C – Lets you buy other types of policies through private companies.
  • Part D – Covers prescription drugs.

Most seniors will automatically qualify for these types of plans and will require very minimal payments. For example, some will have only minimal yearly costs that you or your senior must pay to keep their coverage active.

When Supplemental Policies are Wise

While Medicare will typically cover most of your loved one’s needs, there is a chance that there are gaps in their coverage. In this situation, you can buy Medigap policies to help them become fully covered. For example, these policies help manage co-insurance prices and stays while at a nursing home. They are usually a cheaper alternative to simply paying for this type of coverage out of your own pocket.

We Can Protect Your Senior Loved Ones

So if you think that your Baton Rouge, LA area seniors need high-quality health insurance to protect them from serious issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Our high-quality insurance providers can make sure that your loved ones get the full coverage that they need to be healthy.

Factors Affecting Your Home Owners Insurance

Have you ever compared notes with your neighbor and found out they paid less for the same thing you bought? It happens – grills, vehicles, or bikes for the kids. But, you can both save on your home owners insurance though by knowing what increases its costs.

Many of the items or amenities that add to your home’s value also add to its insurance, like a swimming pool. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a pool. It does mean you should include protections that make it safer. It already costs enough to live in gorgeous Baton Rouge, LA. Read on to find out the things you can do to live more safely and reduce your costs in this blog from Insurance & Financial Services, Inc.

What Affects Home Insurance

Your home owners insurance protects your house and its contents, plus covers you for liability if someone gets injured on your property. Many factors affect how easy it is to obtain adequate coverage and low premiums.

Around your home, owning a pool, trampoline or other dangerous recreational equipment affects your costs. You can install a fence around your pool, spa, or trampoline to ensure no one can surprise you with an unplanned visit without your permission and supervision. You can also outfit your pool with safety devices, such as floatation devices, life jackets, and life preservers.

If your home needs remodeling, especially if it includes outdated wiring, which enhances fire hazards, your costs go up. You can remodel your home which improves its livability, your resale value, and lowers monthly premiums.

Personally, your credit score affects your costs. You or your spouse, or both of you, can take on a part-time job to earn extra income to pay down credit cards and loans. This improves your credit score which will get reflected in your insurance premiums.

Broadly, your neighborhood’s crime rate affects your home insurance. You might think there’s nothing you can do about this, but you can form a neighborhood watch. You can also work with local police to train and form and volunteer neighborhood patrol. Spotting and reporting crimes immediately result in quick arrests. A police crackdown on a neighborhood led internally by its residents results in a lower crime rate.

Finally, the amount of coverage and your deductible comprise two deciding factors in your costs. If you can afford a higher deductible, the portion you pay out of pocket if you need to make a claim, you can lower your premium costs. Adding riders or additional coverage for expensive jewelry or electronics will also result in a cost increase.

Call or visit Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. to find out more about home owners insurance and ways to live better for less in Baton Rouge, LA. We want to help you get the most out of your home and your home insurance.