Three things you might not be aware of regarding home insurance in Louisiana

It’s important to learn as much as you can about home insurance when you’re looking for a policy in Baton Rouge, LA. We sell home insurance policies in Louisiana at Insurance & Financial Services Inc.

The following are three things you might not be aware of regarding home insurance in Louisiana.

You can choose between actual cash value and replacement cost coverage.

One of the biggest decisions you’ll make is whether to purchase an actual cash value or replacement cost policy. Replacement cost policies are best because they don’t involve lower coverage amounts depending on property depreciation. However, replacement cost policies also tend to be a little more costly than actual cash value policies. 

Liability coverage should be included in a standard policy.

One type of home insurance coverage it’s important to have is liability coverage. This type of coverage pays for the costs resulting from injuries that happen on your property to other parties. 

Liability coverage is important because it protects you from potentially costly lawsuit expenses. Pay attention to the liability coverage included on home insurance policies you’re interested in buying and make sure it’s adequate. 

A standard policy won’t include flood insurance coverage.

Probably one of the most important things to know is that your insurance policy probably won’t include flood coverage. You’ll have to purchase flood coverage separately. Insurance protection against flood damages is important in Louisiana where extreme weather events such as hurricanes can happen.

Do you have questions about home insurance options in Baton Rouge, LA? We’re here to help you find the answers you’re looking for at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. Contact us to inquire about our insurance policies. 

Home Insurance Implications When You Inherit a Home

Inheriting a house after the loss of a loved one can be both financially beneficial and headache-inducing trying to navigate the murky waters of insurance and tax implications. For many, inheriting the home of their parents or another family member becomes their second residence – unless they need an immediate place to live. When it comes to insurance, the deceased person’s policy does not automatically continue offering coverage on the home for a couple of reasons. First, if you are not planning to live in the home as your primary residence then it is unlikely you will qualify for a traditional homeowner’s insurance policy. Generally speaking, if the home is unoccupied for more than 30 days at a time then a traditional insurance policy won’t fly.

If you do not plan to live in the inherited home then you’ll still want to have insurance because vacant homes can quickly become the target of vandals and thieves. In a situation like this, purchasing an unoccupied property policy will provide you with peace of mind that the home is safe and protected even if you aren’t there. If you decide to use the house to generate additional income through renting, you’ll need to have landlord insurance that not only protects your home from damage but also includes additional liability coverage to protect yourself should someone injure themselves while on your property. 

At Insurance & Financial Services Inc. in Baton Rouge, LA we recognize that homeowners insurance can be tricky – particularly after the loss of a loved one. In a time of great sadness and stress, our friendly and professional team will show immense empathy for your situation while helping answer all your questions to determine what type of policy is best for you. Give us a call today and learn more about how we can help you. 

Why should a Baton Rouge business get commercial insurance?

The Baton Rouge, LA area continues to be a great place for people to start a business. If you are going to start a company here, you will want to know that it is as well protected as possible. A great way that anyone can protect their business is by getting commercial insurance. There are several reasons why a business in this area of Louisiana should invest in a quality commercial insurance policy. 

Insurance Offers Valuable Coverage

One of the reasons that a company here should get commercial insurance is that it can provide very valuable coverage. A business will always be taking on a variety of different risks. One way that you can mitigate some of these is by getting commercial insurance. If you do get this coverage, it will give you protection for all of your business assets and liability protection. This could protect your investment and keep your business solvent.

Insurance is Often a Requirement

You will also need to get commercial insurance because it is often a requirement for business owners. Many businesses are able to grow due to raising capital from banks and investors. If you have done this, there is a good chance that you have specific commercial insurance requirements that need to be met. Getting the proper coverage will keep your company in good standing. 

A full commercial insurance policy can offer businesses amazing protection. When you are looking for a new policy in the Baton Rouge, LA area, you may find that the number of choices can make it confusing. As you are looking for commercial insurance, you should reach out to the team at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. The insurance team at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. can provide you with expert guidance and support that is needed to choose a quality policy. 

Can You Be Sued for Accidents on Your Rental Property?

Renting a home in Baton Rouge, LA comes with its share of responsibilities, just like buying. Insurance protection is one of those responsibilities. If someone were to have a serious accident on your rental property, you could be sued for damages. Renters insurance protects you against liability issues and lawsuits so you don’t suffer financial loss. Here’s how a renters policy from Insurance & Financial Services Inc. can benefit you.


As a renter in Baton Rouge, LA, you’re responsible for accidental injuries that occur on your rental property. If a friend falls down your stairs and breaks his leg, you’ll be held liable for his medical costs. This could include doctor bills, hospital bills, rehab costs, and lost wages if his injury keeps him from working. Without insurance, you could wind up paying a substantial amount of money out of pocket. Renter’s liability insurance protects your assets by covering these costs.  

If the same incident causes debilitating injuries, you could be sued for damages. Renter’s personal liability insurance protects you against a lawsuit by paying your legal fees and settlement, if you lose, up to the limits of your policy.

Property Damage

Renter’s liability insurance also covers the cost of accidental damage to other people’s property. If your kids damage your friend’s new car while it’s sitting in your driveway, renters insurance will cover repair costs. If you’re sued for damages after accidentally causing a fire that destroys your landlord’s kitchen, renters insurance will cover your legal and settlement costs, up to the limits of your policy.

Renters insurance can be a lifesaver in protecting you against unexpected events in life that can cause financial ruin. To purchase your renter’s policy, contact Insurance & Financial Services Inc. today. We serve residents in Baton Rouge, LA, and surrounding communities.

3 Tips for Buying Umbrella Insurance in Baton Rouge, LA

When the sky looks stormy, do you leave home with an umbrella? Sometimes we know when a storm is coming, sometimes we don’t. The last thing a responsible adult wants is to be left sopping wet (maybe with tears) by finding themselves in a situation where their insurance doesn’t cover the entire claim. This is were umbrella insurance comes in. It adds additional coverage in a stormy world. 

To learn more about how to get started adding this type of insurance policy for your protection, follow these three tips.

1. Compare Several Quotes

When shopping for a new umbrella insurance policy, compare several quotes to find the best one for your needs. A reputable agent from Insurance & Financial Services Inc. serving the Baton Rouge LA area will help you by going over all the fine detail and answering all your questions and concerns regarding each policy.

2. Bundle Your Quotes

Do you like to save money? Of course! Talk to your insurance agent about bundling all of your insurance policies with one carrier who will generously reward your loyalty and don’t forget to ask about other ways to save money, such as a senior citizen discount. 

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

Purchasing an umbrella insurance policy is an investment in peace of mind. To sleep even more soundly, be sure to secure a policy with the help of a friendly, reputable agent.  This way, you’ll get the best policy for the best price in Baton Rouge, LA.

To learn more about umbrella insurance, contact Insurance & Financial Services Inc

Our friendly agents are available now to take your call and ease your mind. 

Who needs to have flood insurance in Louisiana?

The Baton Rouge, LA area can be a great place to live. When you live here, you can enjoy all of the local amenities that the city has to offer. While there are plenty of benefits of owning a home here, there are some risks as well. One way that you can mitigate some of the risks that come with living in this area is by getting a flood insurance policy. There are several situations when you will need this insurance. 

Those Living in Flood Zones with Mortgage Requirements

The first scenario when you may need to have flood insurance is when your home is located in a flood zone. If your home is located in a FEMA-designated flood zone and you have an FHA mortgage, you will be obligated to carry flood insurance at all times. Most of the time, you will also need to have your flood insurance payment escrowed on a monthly basis. 

Those Wanting to Protect Home

Even if you are not required by a mortgage lender to carry flood insurance, you could still be at risk that your home could be damaged by floodwaters. If you are concerned about this risk or live near a river, lake or another waterway, looking into flood insurance could be a good idea. Since flood damage is likely not covered by your base home insurance policy, flood insurance is a great addition to your insurance plan. 

As you are looking for flood insurance in the Baton Rouge, LA area, you may find that picking a policy can be complicated and confusing. If you need help in choosing a new policy, you should reach out to Insurance & Financial Services Inc. The team at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. can help you to pick a policy that will protect your home from flood damage. 

Explore Your Health Insurance Options in Baton Rouge

With medical expenses, a potential economic catastrophe for most families, having a health insurance policy is the best way to keep your family healthy while protecting your assets from the devastating effects of huge medical bills.  It is time to explore your health insurance options in Baton Rouge with a knowledgeable insurance agent who can help make a somewhat complicated topic into a manageable parcel of information, which makes it easier to make an informed decision when you purchase a health insurance policy for you and your family.  Here at Insurance & Financial Services Inc of Baton Rouge, LA, we welcome you to contact us for the information you need to know to make an informed health insurance choice.

Health Insurance Options in Baton Rouge

Sometimes getting your health insurance from your employer is not an option, but that does not mean having health insurance is an option.  For those seeking a healthcare policy for themselves and their families, the entire selection ordeal can be confusing and disheartening.  Here at Insurance & Financial Services Inc, our agents will break down the key components of your coverage, so you will completely understand the range of coverage you will obtain.  Rather than putting off needed medical treatment, we invite you to come in and talk to one of our caring representatives who can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Contact the Team at Insurance & Financial Services Inc

The most important thing in the world is the health of you and your family.  Too many Americans avoid going to the doctor for fear of the cost, and many surrender to the need are faced with crippling medical debts.  Having a Baton Rouge, LA health insurance plan from Insurance & Financial Services Inc means you can receive the medical attention that you deserve and at a price that you can afford.  We welcome the opportunity to sit down and discuss the full range of available options when it comes to getting your health insurance coverage.

Can My Mortgage Lender Tell Me What Home Insurance Provider To Buy From?

In Baton Rouge, LA, your mortgage lender has some degree of say in your home insurance. They can require that you carry insurance until the loan is paid off, they can require that you carry a certain amount of home insurance protection, but they can’t tell you who to buy from.

That said, either your lender can decide on a home insurance provider if you allow them to, your lender can recommend a certain provider to you, and your lender can buy the policy themselves and add it to your mortgage payments if you do not carry home insurance. Experts will advise against all three of these options.

Your lender isn’t concerned with the premiums you’re going to be paying, they just need to know that you’re insured. They’re not going to be shopping around with your best interests at heart, they just need to check that box off of the list.

If you want a good rate on a good policy, you need to take matters into your own hands. Get in touch with us at Insurance & Financial Services Inc. for your Baton Rouge, LA home insurance needs. We can compare quotes and get you the protection you need.

If you allow your mortgage lender to handle it, chances are they have an insurance company they already work with, and that’s who they’re going to pick, whether or not it’s the best choice for you. This is a decision that you need to be hands-on about. The vast majority of mortgage lenders will require that you carry some form of home insurance, but you have the freedom to decide who to buy from, and that’s the freedom that you need to exercise.

At Insurance & Financial Services Inc. we work for you. Call us or get in touch through our website and let’s get you covered with a policy that meets your needs.

What Should I Protect With Renter’s Insurance?

When you look around your apartment you may be surprised as to all the things you own. If you’ve packed and moved recently you will have a better idea as to this. But of everything you own, what is worth insuring? Renter’s insurance gives you the power to insure just about anything, but what exactly should you protect. Here at Insurance & Financial Services Inc., we are here to assist you in finding renter’s insurance when you live in the greater Baton Rouge, LA area. 

Anything You Can’t Easily Replace

Anything that is not easy to replace is likely going to be extremely expensive to track down or to buy again. This can be the vintage camera equipment or the Hi-Fi system that was given to you by your grandparents. 

Anything Valuable

Stop and think if you can afford to pay for something out of pocket if it were to be damaged or stolen? Could you afford to go out and buy a new television or a new laptop? All of those are expensive, and yet without renter’s insurance, you would be forced to buy the item all over again. Thankfully, with renter’s insurance, you can opt to protect and cover these valuable items. 

The value doesn’t need to stop at electronics. It can also include purses and jewelry. If it is of value you need to consider protecting it. 

Protect Your Valuables With Renter’s Insurance

When it comes to protecting what you own, renter’s insurance is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make. But what exactly should you insure? At Insurance & Financial Services Inc. we are here to help you out with that answer. So, if you live in the Baton Rouge, LA area and are in need of help finding renter’s insurance, let our staff of experienced insurance agents help you. 

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Are You Under-insured?
You may find out someday that you should have bought Umbrella Insurance coverage and now it is too late. You were found at fault for damages or injuries to another person or property. You are being sued for damages that go beyond what your specific insurance policy will pay. These out-of-pocket amounts can break you financially. A lawsuit can deplete your savings and ruin you financially. This scenario happens all too often. Do not let being under-insured unexpectedly happen to you. However, we do not want you to be over-insured. We can help you with this fine line of coverage.  

Is your current insurance coverage going to get you through a financial crisis if you are found at fault for damages and or injuries to another person or property? Speak with one of our skilled, licensed agents today about the reasons why you may need umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance adds extended liability coverage in the event you need to pay for damages that go beyond what your current insurance is likely to pay. Possible lawsuits facing you could be, such as a slip and fall accident on your property. 

An Umbrella policy is a supplement to your current insurance policy on your home, business, or vehicle. It is both convenient and comprehensive to have umbrella coverage. Your licensed agent at IFS can help you understand the different types of Umbrella coverage and if you need to have this coverage?

Our licensed and skilled insurance agents at IFS Insurance and Financial Services, Inc in Baton Rouge, LA will eagerly visit with you and make sure you are not over-insuring but, have enough insurance to meet the unexpected should it happen to you. Give us a call today or visit us at the following location.